Making Real Impact
Sub-Saharan Africa
Landcent is a social enterprise focused on the SSA region which suffers 95% of all malaria cases worldwide.

Precise & Measurable

We contribute to the fight against insecticidal resistance
29 countries have confirmed resistance to all four most popular insecticide classes – pyrethroids, organophosphates, carbamates and organochlorines – in at least one malaria vector species across different sites globally. Landcent’s new Active Ingredient Research Initiative is set up to directly combat such resistance.

We prioritize biosafety through indigenous knowledge
Efforts to document local biological classifications and associated traditional knowledge of biopesticides are time-bound and critical to fight vectors, while maintaining biosafety. Landcent works with local scientists and institutions, without judgement and bias, for the best possible outcomes, protecting the rights of all participants.

We work on and contribute to 8 UN SDG goals
Landcent’s next-generation products are expected to enter the market starting 2026 and within the first 3 years Sub-Saharan Africa would already be making significant contributions in the fight against malaria. We would have also created 145 fair paid local jobs in the region, both for local manufacturing as well as boots on the ground to monitor and evaluate our products.
Impact in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2028
The table below is the impact Landcent’s core products will have on Sub-Saharan Africa within the first 3 years in market.

Impact in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2028