

An improved, high-quality rapid diagnostic test (RDT) to support progress towards schistosomiasis elimination

Partnership Initiative


Key Improvements

Countries using mass drug administration (MDA) have been effective in reducing schistosomiasis prevalence to low levels but face significant challenges in reaching elimination as a public health problem. One of the reasons is the lack of highly sensitive, high-quality, low-cost schistosomiasis diagnostic tests that help achieve the WHO’s ambitious 2030 NTD road map targets.

An improved version of the WHO-recommended, urine-based POC-CCA RDT has been developed based on recombinant antibodies combined with an expanded in-process and batch release quality control (QC).

Key Improvements: 1. Quality manufacturing and QC
2. Use of recombinant antibodies 3. Standard
inclusion of G-score aid
4. Minimal batch-to-batch
variability 5. More sensitive than Kato-Katz 6. Mobile app under development

Results of Comparative Study

Lamberton et al., manuscript in preparation

This study, conducted in Uganda in 2023, aimed to evaluate the performance of POC-CCA3 in the laboratory and field, comparing it to the current POC-CCA and Kato-Katz.

Study setup
  • Objective: To evaluate the performance of the POC-CCA3 in comparison to the current POC-CCA and Kato-Katz
  • Study setting: School-aged children from a high (Mayuge) and moderate (Tororo) endemic district in Uganda
  • Diagnostics: Kato-Katz stool microscopy, POC-CCA and POC-CCA3 with G-score aid to read intensity of infection
Key results

Batch-to-batch variability between the three POC-CCA batches in the study much higher than that between the three POC-CCA3 batches, with the latter showing negligible differences.

Prevalence estimates for intestinal schistosomiasis based on single urine POC-CCA or POC-CCA3 tests was moderately higher than that based on duplicate Kato-Katz (KK) analysis of a single stool sample in a moderate-endemic region in Uganda, while prevalence estimates in a high-endemic region were considerably higher with the POC-CCA and POC-CCA3 compared to KK.

Testing on 3 subsequent days also resulted in higher prevalence estimates with POC-CCA and POC-CCA3 in the moderate-endemicity region, while 3 day duplicate KK based prevalence in the high endemicity region was closer to the estimates based on the two rapid test versions.


The POC-CCA3 is a more consistent and reliable alternative to the POC-CCA, with similar performance in the field, but with improved manufacturing and quality control resulting in a minimal variation between batches.

Study conducted in collaboration with

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Other Supporting Data

Correlation of POC-CCA and Kato-Katz based prevalence in 25 schools in Uganda. (Based on Stothard et al., 2006 Acta Tropica)

Fold-increase prevalence based on POC-CCA compared to Kato-Katz. (Based on Kittur et al., 2016 AJTMH)

Costs of POC-CCA vs Kato-Katz. (Based on Worrell et al., 2015 AJTMH)

Recommended Use Cases

Prevalence Monitoring

Alternative to Kato-Katz

Impact Assessments

To validate effect of MDA campaigns

Test and Treat Programs

For low endemic settings to help progress towards elimination

Sub-District Surveying

Precision mapping to identify hotspots

Partnership Initiative

This initiative is driven by a strategic partnership that brings together academic expertise in schistosomiasis diagnostics from LUMC (the Netherlands), development and quality control from Mondial Diagnostics (the Netherlands), industrial capabilities of Landcent-EASE (Ghana), and market access support across Africa from PharmaSymbiosis (Ghana).

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